{"id":300142,"date":"2023-12-09T10:24:38","date_gmt":"2023-12-09T10:24:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/usasportsradar.com\/?p=300142"},"modified":"2023-12-09T10:24:38","modified_gmt":"2023-12-09T10:24:38","slug":"im-fighting-for-trans-athletes-to-be-banned-and-its-insane-they-can-compete","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/usasportsradar.com\/nba\/im-fighting-for-trans-athletes-to-be-banned-and-its-insane-they-can-compete\/","title":{"rendered":"‘I’m fighting for trans athletes to be banned and it’s insane they can compete’"},"content":{"rendered":"


\u201cWhat I was trying to avoid more than anything, in all honesty, was to stop a death.\u201d Sharron Davies is summing up why she chose to make the fight for fair women\u2019s sport her hill to die on 30 years on from her Olympic swimming career.<\/p>\n

As one of the most vocal opponents of transgender athletes competing in women\u2019s sport Davies has taken a barrage of abuse and lost work and sponsors. She has even seen her children\u2019s school targeted by activists.<\/p>\n

But the tide has turned and more and more sports have moved into line with her thinking. Cycling this year joined athletics, swimming and rugby in outlawing trans athletes from women\u2019s competition.<\/p>\n

She feels vindicated but her crusade is not done until the whole of sport goes the same way. \u201cSport is a physical activity. It\u2019s all about the body and the engine that you\u2019ve got so it needs to be based on biology,\u201d she said.<\/p>\n

\u201cWe all knew eventually this would have to stop but what I was trying to do by speaking up was to stop it as soon as possible so there was the least amount of collateral damage. We\u2019re not there yet. We still have six contact sports in the UK that allow men to self-identify. Fighting sports. That\u2019s insane.<\/p>\n


\u201cMen hit 160 per cent harder than women of equal weight. They are much more explosive and they are making contact with a much less dense bone structure.\u201d<\/p>\n

Her book on the subject \u2018Unfair Play: The Battle For Women’s Sport\u2019 was shortlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year award last week. It is a forensic analysis of why the biological advantages trans women carry from going through male puberty renders the playing field too uneven to use.<\/p>\n

\u201cThe book was never coming from the angle that we didn\u2019t want everyone to be involved in sport, it was coming from the angle that we wanted to work with science and with facts. We just wanted to make sure that all those facts were heard,\u201d she said. \u201cI wanted women to be able to fight back and claw back what they were losing – the ability to play fair sport. If this was happening to men they would not put up with it.<\/p>\n

\u201cWomen in sport have had such a struggle – just in the UK 1,000 women earn their living from sport compared to 11,000 men. So sport for women is still incredibly badly represented and we have to work so hard for what we have.\u201d<\/p>\n

Cases like that of Lia Thomas, who won the women\u2019s 500-yard freestyle at the US college championships last year for the University of Pennsylvania after competing for three years on the men\u2019s team, has caused huge controversy.<\/p>\n

She cannot now fulfil her dream of swimming for the USA women\u2019s team at next summer\u2019s Olympics but given the stridency of counter-opinion from the lobby who see trans bans as discriminatory it has been an uncomfortable struggle.<\/p>\n

Davies was never going to back down on a subject she feels so vexed about – you don\u2019t become an Olympic silver medallist without tenacity – but the fight has been as tough as rising to the top in his swimming career in an era when East German doping was rife.<\/p>\n

\u201cThey are different versions of hard but I think that same spirit and bloodymindedness and determination gets used in both instances without a shadow of a doubt,\u201d she said.<\/p>\n

\u201cSport taught me to be extremely resilient and I\u2019ve had to be very, very resilient.<\/p>\n

\u201cI still get stick but I get way more support. I get people stopping me in the street, I get cars pulling over and people winding their windows down to say thankyou all the time.\u201d<\/p>\n